Catholic CornucopiadCheney

Sic patres vitam

The fathers lived a life in shade

The Hymns of the Breviary and Missal

  1. Sic patres vitam peragunt in umbra,
    Lilia ut septem nivei decoris,
    Virgini excelsæ bene grata, Petro
       Visa nitere.
  2. Jamque divina rapiente flamma,
    Cursitant urbes, loca quæque oberrant,
    Si queant cunctis animis dolores
       Figere Matris.
  3. Hinc valent iras domuisse cæcas,
    Nescia et pacis fera corda jungunt,
    Erigunt moestos, revocant nocentes
       Dicta piorum.
  4. At suos Virgo comitata servos
    Evehit tandem superas ad oras:
    Gemmeis sertis decorat per ævum
       Omne beatos.
  5. Eja nunc cœtus gemitum precantis
    Audiant, duros videant labores:
    Semper et nostris faveant benigno
       Lumine votis.
  6. Sit decus Patri, genitæque Proli,
    Et tibi compar utriusque virtus
    Spiritus semper, Deus unus, omni
       Temporis ævo.
  1. The fathers lived a life in shade,
    Yet seemed to Peter’s vision seven
    White glistening lilies for the Maid,
       The Queen of heaven.
  2. Through city streets, o’er hills and plains,
    Upborne by love divine, they trod,
    To fix in men the Mother’s pains,
       The swords of God.
  3. This was the power in which they spoke,
    Till each wild passion owned their sway:
    They cheered the sad, from sinners broke
       Their chains away.
  4. Till at last the Virgin Queen
    Led them to mansions in the sky,
    Mansions where garlands aye are green,
       And never die.
  5. May they hear cries of all who pray,
    And see how hard our earthly strife:
    Aiding us onward to the day
       When all is life.
  6. Now to the Father thanks and praise;
    To Thee, O Son, the same we send;
    To Thee, great Spirit, through all days
       World without end.
Author: Vincent Tarozzi (1849-1918). Meter: Sapphic and Adonic. Translation by Charles Kegan Paul. Liturgical Use: Hymn for Lauds on the Feast of the Seven Holy Founders.
  1. “The Fathers spent their lives in obscurity,—yet as seven lilies of snow-white beauty they seemed to Peter to shine—well pleasing to the Virgin high exalted.” Petro: St. Peter of Verona saw in a vision a mountain covered with flowers, among which were seven lilies, dazzling white, of exquisite perfume. Mary herself explained the vision—the flowers were the Religious on Mount Senario, the seven lilies were the Seven Founders.
  2. “And now divine charity impelling them, they traverse cities and wander everywhere, if perchance they might be able to fix the Sorrows of the Mother in the souls of all.”
  3. “By this means they are able to restrain blind passions; they unite (in the bonds of love) fierce hearts ignorant of peace; the words of the pious preachers raise up the dejected and recall sinners.”
  4. “At last the Virgin leading forth her servants accompanies them to the heavenly regions, and with jeweled garlands she adorns her servants forever blessed.”
  5. “O may they now hear the sighs of those assembled in prayer; may they behold their difficult labors; and may they with loving inspirations be favorable to our prayers.”